File lua/PropCppGen.lua

Code generator for C++ classes that provide access to property values. The functions of this module take a PropDef object as input, traverse it and write generated code to the current output stream.


emitCppFile (propdef, name, parentName) Write implementation file for C++ frontend to property set.
emitCppHeader (propdef, name, level) Write header file for C++ frontend to property set.
writeCppFiles (file) Generate C++ property wrapper class for a given property definition file.


emitCppFile (propdef, name, parentName)
Write implementation file for C++ frontend to property set.


  • propdef: PropSet object which specifies the structure of the property set.
  • name: name of the property set specified by propdef (only set in recursive calls, never set this value when using this function).
  • parentName: name of the enclosing C++ class to which the generated code belongs (only set in recursive calls, never set this value when using this function).
emitCppHeader (propdef, name, level)
Write header file for C++ frontend to property set.


  • propdef: PropSet object which specifies the structure of the property set.
  • name: name of the property set specified by propdef (only set in recursive calls, never set this value when using this function).
  • level: indentation level (only used for recursive calls, never set this value when using this function).
writeCppFiles (file)
Generate C++ property wrapper class for a given property definition file. For the definition file 'foo.propdef' two files 'foo.hpp' and 'foo.cpp' are generated.


  • file: name of the def-file (name must end in '.propdef').

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