Module PropTab

Table-like class for parsing and storing concrete values of property sets.


MT:__access (fullname, val, convertStr, simulateWrite, errorlevel) Access (read or write) a field in the property table by its full property path.
MT:__get (fullname, errorlevel) Read access to property by its full name
MT:__propPairs () Generator which creates a sequence of pairs with the full property path as first element and the property value as second element, sorted alphabetically by the property path.
MT:__serialize () Serialize the content of the table.
MT:__set (fullname, val, convertStr, errorlevel) Write access to property by its full name
MT:__toPlainTab () Convert property table to a plain Lua map with property names as keys and property values as values.
MT:__try (fullname, val, convertStr) Check write access to property by its full name
create (pdef) Create a property table.
loadPropFile (file) Load a property file and return it as a Lua chunk
parseProperties (pdef, props) Parse property values and create a property table from them.
readPropFile (pdef, file) Read a property file and create a property table with the values in the file.
readPropString (pdef, propstr) Read a string with property definitions and create a property table with the values specified in the string.


MT Meta-table which is used for controlling the access to the property table.


MT:__access (fullname, val, convertStr, simulateWrite, errorlevel)
Access (read or write) a field in the property table by its full property path.


  • fullname: full name of the property with elements of the property path separated by ".".
  • val: if not nil, the property specified by fullname will be set to the given value.
  • convertStr: boolean flag which indicates whether the given value 'val' is a string that needs to be converted to the Lua type which is used for representing the property
  • simulateWrite: boolean flag which indicates whether writing the value 'val' shall only be simulated by checking that it is a legal value for the given property.
  • errorlevel: level on the call stack on which the error shall be reported (see documentation of standard Lua function 'error').

Return value:

if simulateWrite is set, the method returns an error flag (which is true if an error occurred) and an optional error message; otherwise, nil is returned.
MT:__get (fullname, errorlevel)
Read access to property by its full name


  • fullname: property path
  • errorlevel: level on the call stack for which errors shall be reported

Return value:

the value of the property if the read access is successful (otherwise an exception is thrown)
MT:__propPairs ()
Generator which creates a sequence of pairs with the full property path as first element and the property value as second element, sorted alphabetically by the property path.
MT:__serialize ()
Serialize the content of the table. The table can then be reconstructed by parsing the output using the parse functions in the module.

Return value:

the serialized table as string.
MT:__set (fullname, val, convertStr, errorlevel)
Write access to property by its full name


  • fullname: property path
  • val: property value which shall be set
  • convertStr: flag whether string values shall be converted to the Lua representation of the property (optional, default: false)
  • errorlevel: level on the call stack on which errors shall be reported (optional)
MT:__toPlainTab ()
Convert property table to a plain Lua map with property names as keys and property values as values. Nested property sets are represented as nested tables.

Return value:

a table containing the values of the properties.
MT:__try (fullname, val, convertStr)
Check write access to property by its full name


  • fullname: property path
  • val: property value which shall be set
  • convertStr: flag whether string values shall be converted to the Lua representation of the property (optional, default: false)

Return value:

error flag (true indicates error) and optional error message
create (pdef)
Create a property table. Creates a table for holding property values with meta-table MT.


  • pdef: reference to a PropDef object which defines the structure of the property table
loadPropFile (file)
Load a property file and return it as a Lua chunk


  • file: name or base file name (suffix .properties is assumed)

Return value:

Lua chunk with the parsed content of the given file
parseProperties (pdef, props)
Parse property values and create a property table from them. The property values are given as executable chunk which is executed in the context of a property table that is based on a given property definition.


  • pdef: reference to a PropDef object which defines the structure of the property table.
  • props: a chunk which contains code that sets property values in the table.

Return value:

a PropTab object with the corresponding property values.
readPropFile (pdef, file)
Read a property file and create a property table with the values in the file.


  • pdef: reference to a PropDef object which defines the structure of the property table.
  • file: name of the file which shall be read.

Return value:

a PropTab object with the corresponding property values.
readPropString (pdef, propstr)
Read a string with property definitions and create a property table with the values specified in the string.


  • pdef: reference to a PropDef object which defines the structure of the property table.
  • propstr: string which shall be read.

Return value:

a PropTab object with the corresponding property values.


Meta-table which is used for controlling the access to the property table. The property values are stored in a private table and access to them takes place through methods or through __index and __newindex and is checked for correctness of the used property values and types. The meta-table contains references to the following Lua standard modules: string, math, os and table. This is necessary for easy access to these modules within the context of the meta-table. Other methods (used for accessing the property values) are prefixed by '__' in order to avoid name clashes with properties. Fields
  • __plain: reference to a table which stores the property values.
  • __propdef: reference to the PropDef object which specifies the structure of the property table.

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