File lua/PropUITekUI.lua

Property editor user interface using the TekUI widget kit. (see


PropUITekUI:clearPropTab () Clear and disable the input widgets in the GUI.
PropUITekUI:createControlButtons (pedit, the) Create a line of buttons for controlling the property editor (Save, Lock, etc).
PropUITekUI:createGUIEntries (localdef, name, fullName) Create GUI elements for a set of given property definitions.
PropUITekUI:createPropEntryFields () Create the input fields for the property values.
PropUITekUI:createPropSetSelect (pedit, propsets) Create a selection widget for all available property sets.
PropUITekUI:disablePropTab () Disable write access to the properties.
PropUITekUI:displayPropTab () Fill the input widgets with the values of the table in the PropEdit object and disable write access.
PropUITekUI:enablePropTab () Enable write access to the properties.
PropUITekUI:getPropInput (fullname) Access the input widget for a given property path.
PropUITekUI:new (pedit, pdef, propsets) Construct a new TekUI based property editor application.
PropUITekUI:quit () Terminate the property editor.
PropUITekUI:showMessage (message) Show text in message line widget.
PropUITekUI:start () Start the property editor.
PropUITekUI:updateEntry (fullname, textinput) Update a property value.


PropUITekUI:clearPropTab ()
Clear and disable the input widgets in the GUI.
PropUITekUI:createControlButtons (pedit, the)
Create a line of buttons for controlling the property editor (Save, Lock, etc).


  • pedit:
  • the: underlying PropEdit object.

Return value:

the widget tree containing the control buttons.
PropUITekUI:createGUIEntries (localdef, name, fullName)
Create GUI elements for a set of given property definitions.


  • localdef: the part of the property set definition for which the GUI is recursively constructed (only filled by recursive calls).
  • name: the name of the property definition which is currently constructed (only filled by recursive calls).
  • fullName: the full property path of the property definition which is currently constructed (only filled by recursive calls).
PropUITekUI:createPropEntryFields ()
Create the input fields for the property values.

Return value:

a widget tree containing the input fields for the property values.
PropUITekUI:createPropSetSelect (pedit, propsets)
Create a selection widget for all available property sets.


  • pedit: the underlyling PropEdit object.
  • propsets: the list of available property sets.

Return value:

a widget tree for the selection of property sets.
PropUITekUI:disablePropTab ()
Disable write access to the properties.
PropUITekUI:displayPropTab ()
Fill the input widgets with the values of the table in the PropEdit object and disable write access.
PropUITekUI:enablePropTab ()
Enable write access to the properties.
PropUITekUI:getPropInput (fullname)
Access the input widget for a given property path.


  • fullname: the property path for which the widget shall be retrieved.

Return value:

the corresponding input widget.
PropUITekUI:new (pedit, pdef, propsets)
Construct a new TekUI based property editor application.


  • pedit:
  • pdef:
  • propsets:

Return value:

a new TekUI object.
PropUITekUI:quit ()
Terminate the property editor.
PropUITekUI:showMessage (message)
Show text in message line widget.


  • message: the message which shall be displayed
PropUITekUI:start ()
Start the property editor.
PropUITekUI:updateEntry (fullname, textinput)
Update a property value.


  • fullname: the property path of the property to be updated.
  • textinput: string representing the new property value.

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